Kay & I have taken the kids SO many places during her 2 week stay here with us! We've had such a great time & don't want her to go home to Florida! The day after they arrived we woke up bright & early to meet some of our friends & neighbors to catch Thomas the Train in Burnet! The kids had a great time on the train. They've always wanted to ride on a "Big train" as opposed to the little kiddie train at our local park.
Adam & I enjoying the ride!
Adam enjoying the view.
Grandma & Maddie
We also took the kids to the Austin Zoo. There are so many great animals to see. It's amazing just how close you can get to them! We were so busy looking at animals & talking to the birds that I forgot to take pictures!! :)
Madison & Adam loved watching the turtles putt putt along in their enclosure.
Getting so close to the lions is a little scary but so cool!
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