Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A New Year... Back to Work!!

After taking a year off from child care; I am finally back to work! Taylor & Rylynn are precious little girls who I cared for last year. They get along famously with Madison & Adam! Taylor & Madison team up while Rylynn & Adam play quietly together; sharing toys & laughing. I really lucked out finding children who fit in SO well with my family. The kids love playing outside no matter what the weather!

Adam hangs out on his new bike!

Our craft for the week. The girls had a great time pasting the "clouds" on!

Rylynn playing shy! Yeah right!!

Taylor; my little poser!

Adam in his swing. He could hang out in there ALL day!

Madison, Rylynn & Taylor eat all of their meals at "the big kid" table!

Adam & Rylynn LOVE each other!

Adam's easily entertained by all of the females around him!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bling!! Bling!!